通风百叶窗 Ventilation Shutter Louver 通风百叶窗可用于禽舍、温室、车间、以及其他任何需要新鲜空气的大型建筑;通风百叶窗根据开启方式不同,有电动通风百叶窗、手动通风百叶 窗;电动通风百叶窗可以连接一个中心控制器,当需要时可以自动控制百叶的开启;手工通风百叶窗配备滑轮导向机构后可以采用手动绞盘 开启或关闭 通风百叶窗,也可采用电机通过滑轮导向机构集中开启或关闭通风百叶窗; Ventilation Shutter Louver is widely used in poultry house, greenhouse, workshop , and any other large buildings where need fresh air. It’s divided into electric and manual two types according to its opening way. Electric shutter can connect with a central control box, which can automatically open and close shutters as per request. Manual shutter louver is equipped with one set of pulley, which can connect with a manual winch to open or close one shutter, or connect with a motor to control all shutters’ opening and closing. 通风百叶窗工艺规格:Technical specifications: 边框和百叶片均采用先进加工工艺制成、采用加厚镀锌板,镀锌层275克/平方; Frame and shutters are made of thickened hot-dip galvanized sheet by advanced process, zinc is 275g/m2. 通风百叶窗设计有M8螺纹安装孔,安装方便; Shutter louver are prepared for easy installation with built-in M8 threaded bushes. 配有标准电机220V 50HZ/60Hz.也可根据客户配备其他规格; Equipped with standard motor: 220V / 50HZ(60HZ), Can be customized as per customers’ request. 通风百叶窗可生产镀锌板、不锈钢两种材质; Shutter louver can be made of Hot-dip galvanized steel and stainless steel. 通风百叶窗可根据客户要求生产不同大小尺寸; Shutter louver can be made into different sizes as per request.