DJF(a)系列小百叶重锤式排风机 DJF(a) series Swung Drop Hammer Exhaust Fan (Small Shutter) 电机直接带动扇叶,效率高、故障率较低,*更换皮带,减少售后服务费用; Motor-drive blades directly type avoid the frequent problem occurred by belt. (Like belt loosing,droping, or reversing, etc.), makes a high efficiency, low fault rate. 加大扇叶风量提高10% 小百叶及新型密封转动装置提高效率30% Extended blades increase air volume by 10% , Innovated small shutters & New type sealing rotational device can improve the efficiency by 30%. 由原来的8片大百叶窗变成11片小百叶窗,百叶更加容易开启和关闭; Shutters are improved to 11 pcs in small size from old 8 pcs big type, which facilitate the shutters’opening and closing. 新式密封装置由单层改为双层,密封件更加牢固、密封性更加良好; New double layers shutter fixed clips get a firmer installation and better sealing. 新型百叶转动装置由原来的尼龙件跟外框(铁板)摩擦变成转动臂和特殊设计的耐磨套摩擦,有效解决大百叶风机百叶窗开启不灵活、关闭不严、密封性差等相关问题。 The friction coefficient between fixed clips and rotational arm is much smaller than the old type whose caused by the rotational arm directly with plate. This new design gets the shutter a flexible opening and closing.